Wednesday, March 30, 2011

On the Trail

Finally, I made it out of my drive way, trailer in tow, dog in the back seat and horse in the trailer.  Unfortunately, the inside of my living quarters looks like a episode of  "Hoarders".
I had an uneventful drive, which is always nice

I'm in Pryor, Oklahoma which is almost exactly 300 miles from my house.  I'm staying with an Endurance Riding friend.. Buddy is learning about "new friends".  He was exposed to 2 goats and a miniture pig upon arrival.  After  he unloaded from the trailer,  he got lots of exercise trembling, snorting and spinning in circles.  He is in a stall now and can't seem to keep his eyes off of his "new friends".  It's because he thinks they will eat him.
Lexi, Rich and I went for Mexican food tonight.  Pretty yummy stuff.   I was quite the party pooper, as as soon as we got back I went  and fed Buddy, walked Charlie and said I was going to the trailer, I've been sorting and arranging things and making the bed.  Can't anyone find an easier way to put on sheets on a bed  in the nose of a gooseneck?

Tomorrow, I head into Texas to the Tarrant Ranch Ride site. But we go to breakfast first..  First things first.. and part of seeing the country is seeing it from the inside of local eating establishments I always say.

 Hey wasn't I going to lose 30 pounds while I'm on this adventure?  Hmmmm  

Night all, don't forget to feed the fish...


  1. I love my real bedding and sheets for the camper, but there is a point that zipping a couple cheap Wal Mart sleeping bags together is looking good to me for the bed.

  2. Yeah, we have been know to do that too. We put a bottom sheet on to keep the mattress clean. Then we take the 2 sleeping bags, open the up completely, and zip them together. They are about the size of a queen bed then.

  3. I decided against a matress completely and bought a California King sized 2 inch thick memory foam topper and put that in there with the sleeping bags on top of it. Now the whole gooseneck area is a bed and I don't have to worry about rolling off the mattress like I did in my friends horse trailer.
